A series of informative and fun Richmond Talks started in May 2023. The evening programs included several short talks on various aspects of Richmond and Coal River Valley history, people, environment, and industry. The idea behind this community history program was to stimulate interest in the Bicentenary and encourage participation in the Richmond Bicentenary History Festival in January 2024.
Tuesday, 2 May 2023
Introduction: Noel Frankham – bicentenary program overview, and Dr Alan Brooks – the Richmond Talks programs.
Part 1: Gary Richardson – an overview of the Bicentenary Launch program, 8-11 December 2023. Gary is a long term Richmond resident and was the last Town Clerk of the Richmond Municipal Council.
Part 2: Dr Alan Brooks – researching Richmond and Coal River Valley history. Alan is a twenty-something year resident of Richmond with an interest is local history.
Part 3: Ben Jones – an overview of the geological formation and evolution of the Coal River Valley. Ben is a working geologist who also runs Daisy Bank farm on the western approach to Richmond with his wife Hana.
Tuesday, 6 June 2023
Part 1: Dr Alan Brooks – giving a brief overview of the History Festival, and talking further on conducting historical research.
Part 2: Dr Nick Brodie – discussing using Trove as an historical research tool.
Dr Nick Brodie is a historian, archaeologist, and writer. He is the author of several books, including Kin, 1787, and The Vandemonian War, as well as numerous articles and essays. Nick specializes in both late medieval European and colonial Australian history, has appeared regularly on television and radio, and is currently Dean of Academic Studies at Jane Franklin Hall in Hobart.
Tuesday, 4 July 2023
Part 1: Dr Dianne Snowden – giving an overview of the Convict Muster Weekend (9 to 12 February, 2024); and a presentation on the importance of oral histories in local history.
Dr Dianne Snowden AM is an historian and genealogist. With Peter MacFie, Dianne founded the Coal River Valley Historical Society in 1998. She also started the Society’s journal and undertook an oral history project as part of the Richmond Cultural Resource Management Plan in 1999. Dianne is a former Chair of the Richmond Advisory Committee and member of the Member of Clarence Cultural History Advisory Committee. She is also a former Chair of the Tasmanian Heritage Council.
Part 2: We will be starting a new occasional series called My Richmond in which people who grew up in the village will recall their experiences. Tonight’s speaker will be Byron Bailey.
Tuesday, 1 August 2023
Part 1: Jess Geraghty – an overview of the 4th Richmond Bicentenary weekend – Richmond Bicentenary Planning Committee member Jess Geraghty will provide a brief overview of the Bicentenary’s fourth Weekend in the Valley (24-27 February 2024) which will include the anniversary of Richmond’s proclamation as a town in 1824, and Open House Richmond devised by the Australian Institute of Architects (Tasmanian Chapter).
Part 2: Anthony Jacobs – the life and journey of rum smugglers and family to Van Diemen’s Land – 19 members of the Kent-based Aldington Smuggler Gang were transported to Van Diemen’s Land in 1827, many assigned to Richmond, including their leader, George Ransley, and his brother-in-law, Samuel Bailey. Presented by Anthony Jacobs who describes himself as an amateur genealogist with strong family links to Richmond.
Part 3: Genevieve Lilley – 62 Bridge Street – a gentle restoration? Architect Genevieve Lilley’s clients are Richard and Susie Kirk. Richard Kirk is the Principal Director of KIRK, formerly Richard Kirk Architect, which he established in 1995 after graduating from the University of Queensland in 1991 with first-class Honours. The practice now has studios located in Brisbane, Melbourne and Kuala Lumpur, designing buildings of cultural significance on sensitive and important sites.
Tuesday, 5 September 2023
Part 1: Noel Frankham will outline the program for the final bicentenary weekend, Fruits of the Valley, 8-11 March 2024.
Part 2: Isobel Williams, together with Kimbra Cresswell as representatives of the Coal River Valley Historical Society, will outline the CRVHS plans for the bicentenary, including publication of a calendar and a special edition of their journal.
Part 3: Penny Wadsley will give a presentation in the occasional series, My Richmond. Penny’s family has lived and worked in the Coal River Valley since the 1920s and have been associated with a number of the village’s more significant buildings. Penny is part of a large family and came to Richmond in the 1950s. She went to Victoria but made a happy return in 2007.
Tuesday, 3 October 2023
Part 1: Gary Richardson will provide an overview of the first bicentenary weekend (8-11 December 2023). Gary has spoken at an earlier Richmond Talks event, but arrangements are now firming up and Gary will have a wealth of additional information.
Part 2: Alan Brooks will give an overview of the second bicentenary weekend (18-22 January 2024). This is about the History Festival and arrangements are also firming up.
Part 3: Barney Phillips will be the last speaker. He will talk about bushfires generally, Black Tuesday 7 Feb 1967, fires in the district more recently, and the forthcoming season fire risk.